Find your Dream Job Now In Social development Secter

getngojobs is a platform meant for development professionals across globe; a valuable knowledge based service, linking development experts with professional service opportunities, and enhancing the quality of assistance to those in need of infomation. We started off with a crazy idea: “A new development job and media platform where deserving global opportunities can be shared; get heard and amplified to a huge audience”. With inception of our concept itself almost a decade ago, the response we’ve received so far is overwhelming, to say the least. We’re thankful that the readers loved us and the getngojobs community started gaining momentum.

Everyday at getngojobs, we vigorously experiment, make new mistakes, learn new things and improvise so that our readers can access, consume and share quality information and opprtunities (Jobs, Funding, RFP, EOI and much more...) We would love to hear your suggestions, feedbacks, complaints and assure you that getngojobs editorial team try to resolve and work out on each and every relevant point we receive !!!

Our Volunteer

Navneet Agrawal

Volunteers of 

Development professional of Nutrition, Anemia, Diarrohea Management, HIV & AIDS & Poverty Alleviation & Educational programs from grassroot level to state level.



Finance, Audit, Taxation Expert Volunteer of 

Pooja Pachouri

CEO of

Sagar Madhya Pradesh

Aditya Kumar

Development Practioner,

Volunteer of GetNgoJobs, New Delhi 

Pradeep Pachouri

Founder and CEO of GetNgoJobs

Volunteer of GetNgoJobs New Delhi

Abhimanyu Mehta

Volunteer of GetNgoJobs Rajasthan

Christabel davidson

Volunteer of GetNgoJobs Madhya Pradesh

Vinay Vishwakarma

Microfinance ,Jharkhand  Volunter of 

Faiz Uddin

Faiz , Bhopal MP Volunteer of

Sunai Ji New Delhi

Sunaina Ji New Delhi , Volunteers of


Varada Kulkarni

 Solapur ,Maharashtra  (volunteer of

Kuldeep Pachouri

Sagar, Madhya Pradesh (Volunteer of 

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